Slip and Fall Attorneys Serving Omaha

Slip and fall accidents may occur anywhere, at any time. These incidents can cause injuries that affect your physical health, your ability to work, and your overall quality of life. If you’ve suffered an injury due to someone else’s negligence, an Omaha slip and fall lawyer can help you pursue the compensation you deserve.

Contact the personal injury lawyers of Mueller Schmidt Mulholland & Cooling online or at 402-999-9000 to discuss your options and legal rights in a slip and fall accident case. Our legal team offers a free consultation to determine if you have a claim or to pursue a burn injury lawsuit on your behalf. Our client testimonials and case results show the knowledge and experience our slip and fall lawyers can bring to your personal injury case.

Table Of Contents

    Common Causes of Slip and Fall Accidents

    Many different hazards can cause slip and fall incidents. Some of the most common hazardous conditions include:

    • Wet or slippery floors from spills, leaks, improper cleaning, or tracked-in rain or snow
    • Uneven walking surfaces like broken tiles, torn carpet, potholes, or unexpected steps
    • Debris, objects, or cords in walkways
    • Insufficient lighting that makes it hard to see obstacles
    • Lack of handrails or guardrails on stairs and ramps

    Property owners have a legal duty to maintain their premises, keeping them reasonably safe for visitors. This means regularly inspecting for potential hazards, promptly fixing any issues, and providing adequate warning of dangerous conditions. When they fail to uphold this fundamental obligation, innocent people can get hurt.

    Common Slip and Fall Injuries

    The sudden, jarring impact of a slip and fall can cause a variety of serious injury, including:

    Some slip and fall injuries heal relatively quickly with proper treatment. Other serious injuries from a slip and fall accident can involve long recovery times, ongoing pain, and permanent impairments.

    Steps to Take After a Slip and Fall Accident

    If you slip and fall on someone else’s property, stay calm. Follow these steps to help protect your health and legal rights:

    • Seek Medical Attention – Even though fall accident injuries initially seem minor, have a doctor evaluate you right away. Some serious conditions may not show symptoms immediately. Documenting your injuries also provides essential evidence for an insurance claim.
    • Report the Incident – Notify the property owner about your slip and fall accident. Stick to the basic facts of what occurred and request that they create a written accident report. Obtain a copy of the report.
    • Document the Scene – Take photos of the hazardous condition that caused your fall, your visible injuries, and the surrounding area if possible. Document the names and contact information of any witnesses.
    • Preserve Evidence – Save the clothing and shoes you wore when you fell in their current condition.
    • Watch What You Say – Refrain from speculating about fault or apologizing, as your statements could be used against you. Do not post about the incident on social media.
    • Contact a Slip and Fall Lawyer – Consult with an experienced Omaha slip and fall attorney who can advise you of your rights and handle communications with the property owner and their insurance company.

    Proving Liability in an Omaha Slip and Fall Case

    slip and fall

    Nebraska premises liability laws require slip and fall accident victims to prove that negligent property owners acted without regard for others’ safety. This generally means showing:

    • A dangerous condition existed on the property
    • The property owner knew or reasonably should have known about the hazard
    • The owner failed to repair, remove, or provide adequate warning about the danger
    • The hazardous condition caused the incident and resulting slip and fall injuries

    An Omaha slip and fall lawyer can thoroughly investigate your case to gather strong evidence of negligence and liability, such as incident reports, medical records, photos and videos, expert analysis, maintenance logs, witness testimony, and more.

    When Does a Slip and Fall Accident Claim Become a Slip and Fall Lawsuit?

    In a best-case scenario, the parties involved in a personal injury claim for a slip and fall accident can come to an agreement for a settlement without going to court. When they cannot, a slip and fall injury claim can become a slip and fall lawsuit. The most common reasons to file a slip and fall lawsuit are if there is a denial of liability for the injuries by the responsible party, there has been an inadequate settlement offer, and/or using the lawsuit process as a legal strategy to pressure a fair settlement.

    An Omaha slip and fall attorney from Mueller Schmidt Mulholland & Cooling can help you file a lawsuit and take you through the court process from discovery to trial. Our legal team doesn’t back down and will aggressively represent you in court after slip and fall accidents.

    Nebraska Statute of Limitations for Filing a Slip and Fall Lawsuit

    Under Nebraska’s statute of limitations, slip and fall accident victims generally have four years from the day the incident occurred to file a personal injury lawsuit. Certain exceptions may apply that can shorten or extend this deadline.

    To avoid missing critical filing deadlines that can bar your right to compensation, consult a knowledgeable Omaha slip and fall lawyer as soon as possible. An experienced premises liability attorney can ensure all necessary paperwork gets submitted correctly and on time.

    Get the Compensation You Deserve

    Slip and Fall Compensation in Nebraska

    Omaha slip and fall accidents caused by negligence may have a right to recover damages for the losses they suffered, which can include:

    • Past, current, and future medical bills
    • Lost wages from missed work
    • Loss of future earning capacity
    • Pain and suffering
    • Mental anguish
    • Disability or disfigurement
    • Loss of enjoyment of life

    The exact value of a slip and fall accident claim depends on factors like the severity of your injuries, the extent of your financial losses, and the strength of the evidence of the property owner’s negligence and liability. Our Omaha slip and fall lawyers can evaluate your case and give you a sense of economic damages and what fair compensation should include.

    How an Omaha Slip and Fall Attorney Works for You

    Slip and Fall Attorneys Serving Omaha

    Slip and fall cases often involve complex issues of premises liability law and require going up against property owners, insurance companies, and their lawyers, all of whom are fighting to avoid payouts. Our experienced Omaha slip and fall lawyers can level the playing field and advocate for your interests by:

    • Offering a free consultation to discuss your rights and options
    • Investigating to uncover critical evidence to support your claim
    • Working with experts to analyze issues of liability and the extent of your losses
    • Handling all communications and negotiations with adverse parties
    • Filing necessary paperwork and meeting all deadlines
    • Preparing your case and representing you at trial if needed
    • Fighting for the maximum available compensation

    Contact an Omaha Slip and Fall Lawyer Today

    The aftermath of an unexpected slip and fall injury can feel overwhelming. Know that you are not alone and that help is available from our experienced slip and fall lawyers. The dedicated legal team at Mueller Schmidt Mulholland & Cooling brings years of personal injury law and experience to our work on slip and fall cases in Omaha. An experienced attorney from our firm can offer free case evaluations and work on contingency fees, meaning you pay nothing upfront and no fees at all unless we recover money for you.

    Take the first step toward protecting your rights after a slip and fall. Contact us today at 402-999-9000 to arrange a free consultation with an experienced slip and fall lawyer. We are ready to use our experience and resources to work for you.

    Recognition for Our Omaha Slip and Fall Injury Lawyers

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